Monday 18 July 2011

I recently went to Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door in Dorset for the weekend. Unfortunately the weather wasn't that great and didn't lend itself to any great I didn't have my camera!!

Here are a few pictures from when I went in 2009. A pretty spectacular stretch of the Jurassic Coast.

May weddings

A photographed two weddings during May, both at the Frensham Pond Hotel, Churt in Surrey. Funnily enough it was where I did my work experience as a 15 years old!

The weather was slightly better for the first wedding, Natasha and Chris on the 21st May. There is even a hint of blue sky in some of the pictures. For Natalie and Greg a week later, it was slightly more overcast which makes for a few more challenges when doing the shots of the bride and groom, but can make it easier as you don’t have to worry about the flare from the sun and unwanted shadows across peoples faces.   I hope you’ll agree that from both days I got some great results. It’s brilliant when the bride and groom are ‘up for it’ and don’t mind spending a 20 minutes of so on their own having their photos taken. It’s not like they will get to do it again…
Here are a few of my favourite pictures.

Guest close-ups

When I shoot weddings I always carry two camera bodies with me. One, because it gives me the flexibility to have different lenses in action at the same time but also because it means I have a back-up should one of the cameras fail for whatever reason. 

Whilst I shoot the bulk of the pictures using a 18-55mm lens I like to have my Tamron 70-300mm lens on the second camera. This enables me to get some really great close-ups of guests as they enjoy the day. Most of the time they don’t even know they’ve had their picture taken.